Composing and performing her own compositions in public since age 7, Dr. Lois Veenhoven Guderian has been active as a composer, performer, educator, and author throughout her professional life. She is a versatile composer, composing in several genres, and in a variety of levels of compositional complexity. Lois has composed hundreds of songs and instrumental pieces for children, youth and adults; numerous sacred and secular choral works in all voicings; instrumental chamber works; piano pieces; musicals; and works for full orchestra and choir. Commissions include new music compositions, authored textbooks, and program designs/implementation for music and arts education. Several of Lois’ compositions, songs and textbooks are published in more than 30 countries. Lois is published by more than 15 companies and organizations including: The National Association for Music Education, Rowman and Littlefield Education; Sage Publications; Oxford University Press; Corwin Press; NAC Canada, NAC USA; the University of Wisconsin System. Lois is Music Education Coordinator and Professor of Music Emerita, University of Wisconsin-Superior (UWS) where for 12 years she coordinated and aligned the music education degree programs in accordance with the university’s state and national licensing and accreditation organizations; developed the assessment program for the Music Department; designed numerous new courses in music education; and taught full-time 12 months annually. In addition to full-time face-to-face teaching, Lois was the first professor of music at UWS to design interactive distance-learning versions of her music courses (2009-2020). Responsibilities included: teaching music education courses to all students pursuing degrees in music education and classroom education; design and supervision of pre-service educator field training in music education and interdisciplinary music education; student teacher supervision; advising, mentoring students pursuing degrees in music. Throughout her career, Lois has worked tirelessly to develop innovative, effective ways for engaging all children, youth and adults, in any given setting, in enjoyable music education and musical experience. Lois has researched, written, taught and presented extensively on the singing voice; music composition; interdisciplinary music education; choral music education; and intergenerational community music making. Past and present programs have provided opportunities for thousands of individuals to participate in cost-free music education. Presenter, Workshop Clinician A frequent presenter at state, national and international conferences, Lois’ efforts in research, publication, and education have resulted in new models of arts education, teacher preparation, and national and international programs. Awards and recognition include the highly competitive Music Educators Fellowship (2000) and Music Educators PhD Fellowship (2001-2004 from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois; a University of Wisconsin Teaching Fellows and Scholars Research Fellowship (2012-2013); the UWS Academic Service-Learning Award (2012) for her design and implementation of music education programs that mutually benefitted UWS’s education students and community schools. In 2011, she was interviewed as one of five “very experienced” music educators from the U.S. for an article on what successful music teachers love about teaching music (Moore, P. (2011). Music from the Heart. Teaching Music: Journal of the National Association for Music Education, 2011, 18(4), 38-43. Past Community Service: ISMTA Voice, and Outreach to Communities Chair (1990s); Vice President for the Chicago Composers Forum (2009-2011); the Wisconsin MEA Research Chair and Clinician (2012-2016); author, consultant and online mentor in choral music for the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) (2008-9); Adjudicator for the National Student Music Composition Competition (2006-2018) and New York State School Music Association (2023-2024); Adjudicator, National Guild of Piano Teachers 1990s to 2008. Throughout her career, Lois has served, and continues to serve schools, churches, community groups and organizations in various professional roles.