Women’s History Month Closing Concert
Women’s History Month is a project I began in 2023 to promote the music of women composers, both past and present, throughout the entire month of March, which is designated as Women’s History Month in the United States. I wanted to create something that would take place for each of the 31 days in March and remind us all month long of the creative presence and power of women. I aim to highlight women composers who may be unknown to the general public and introduce them to new audiences and spark further interest in their music and their lives.
This Closing Concert is YOUR chance to decide which of the 31 pieces played during March you would like to hear performed live in Epiphany’s beautiful Sanctuary. You can vote for your favorite piece via Buy Me a Coffee and help decide the afternoon’s program. Be a curator for a day and support the music you want to hear!
Additional Details
<p>The program will be decided by listeners!</p> <p>Please note, anyone is free to email me with a request for one of the 31 pieces played online during the month of March—no contribution required! Just get in touch at amy@<span class="oe_displaynone">null</span>amywurtz.com.</p>